
Finance For Hospitals, Clinics & Surgeries

Get medical loans to fund private practice or NHS facilities from Rangewell.

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Funding options


Hire Purchase

  • Spread costs over 6-60 months
  • Rates from 6%
  • Undercut ’0%’ deals from equipment suppliers
  • Balloon payment options - reduce monthly outgoings


  • No capital requirement
  • Acquire any type of equipment
  • Asset refinance available
  • No upfront capital costs

Large-scale funding

  • Secured lending - from 2% above base rate
  • Raising funds with a commercial mortgage 2% above base rate
  • ‘Jigsaw’ funding
  • Practice Loans

Talk to Rangewell – the medical loan experts

Many lenders can provide funding solutions for your hospital, surgery or clinic, but the right hospital loans need to balance the loan offer against costs. At Rangewell, we cover the entire market to find you the most competitive funding for your plans.

At Rangewell we recognise your professional status, and we work harder to find you better solutions - which can include 100% finance for many of your needs.

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Fund medical premises with hospital loans arranged by Rangewell

Raise the finance needed to fund private practices and NHS facilities alike with Rangewell's expert support.

With private healthcare becoming more popular than ever and even the NHS calling on private sector facilities, there is a growing demand for private hospitals, surgeries and clinics. To answer this need, and enjoy significant rewards, you need to be able to call on high levels of finance. 

We are committed to helping businesses in the healthcare sector find the financial solutions they need to provide outstanding facilities at every level, from surgeries and clinics to full private hospitals.

Table of Contents

At Rangewell, we understand the needs of the private healthcare sector. From the complex staffing, equipment and practical costs of a large hospital to smaller GP surgeries, we help medical professionals acquire the finance they need to achieve their goals. 

We work with healthcare companies across many sectors, and help find funding solutions for:

  • Hospitals and hospital-affiliated clinics
  • GP practices
  • Surgery centres
  • Cosmetic surgery facilities
  • Clinics

Get a medical loan for your facility

We'll help you arrange terms that suit your needs

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Funding options for private hospitals, surgeries and clinics

As experts in all aspects of business funding, we can work with you to find the right type of funding options to:

  • Buy premises: whether you need to buy an existing building and convert it, or build one from scratch with development finance, we can help. 
  • Buy an existing medical facility: purchase a competitor's business or seize an opportunity on the open market by raising a loan with Rangewell's support. Not only can we help negotiate the loan, but we can also work with you to you maximise your chances of a successful application.
  • Build specialist facilities: we'll guide you to expert lenders who understand the healthcare and technology sectors to provide financial support to specialist facilities that need specific instruments and technologies. 
  • Provide equipment and assets: asset finance can help you acquire new equipment without having to raise capital individually. In this agreement, the asset is owned by your lender until you repay the loan - derisking the purchase for both parties. 
  • Provide operating finance: if cashflow becomes an issue, Rangwell can arrange an operating finance loan to help you pay for staff or other ongoing costs. 

Buying premises for your hospital or clinic

Medical facilities can be established in many different locations, each with their own considerations. A surgery or walk-in clinic may operate from dedicated premises, or even from a suite in a shared block in a town centre. A private hospital may be better suited to premises that stand in their own grounds in a semi-rural location.

Most will require parking and public transport nearby. These types of premises may require substantial investment. However, the benefits of a central location in terms of patient reach can actually benefit your medical loan application. Work with Rangewell and we can provide a number of solutions to put the necessary investment within reach.

Property Leasing

Many types of property may be acquired through a long-term lease. Arranging a suitable lease may mean a large initial payment - we can help find lenders who can provide the necessary lump sums, as a Secured or Unsecured loan. We'll help talk you through leasing considerations and make a decision that benefits your hospital in the long-term. 

Property Purchase

Buying suitable property for your medical facility can provide an important asset for your business, and with the right arrangements, may be arranged at monthly costs comparable to those of a lease.

A Commercial Mortgage operates much like a residential mortgage. The loan is secured on the property itself and can run for 15 years or more. It can be used to buy land, and existing premises of all types. Unlike a residential mortgage, the rates for a commercial mortgage are arranged on an individual basis. Lenders will look at your financial situation and projections to establish a fair rate. Our knowledge of the lenders and rates available can be essential to achieve a competitive deal.

Find out more about Commercial Mortgages.

Bridging and Auction Finance

Bridging Finance is a short-term finance solution which provides a quick way method of financing medical companies seeking to purchase a property. It can be used to secure property suitable for conversion to medical use and for existing medical facilities.

The lender will take first charge and will seek repayment once the loan has come to term. Commonly, you'll then refinance any bridging finance into a more affordable mortgage with more stable terms.

Auction Finance is a special type of bridging loan that lets you arrange funding in advance of an auction. Auction Finance can provide both the initial deposit due when the hammer falls, and the balance of the hammer price, which most auction houses require within 28 days.

Building specialist medical facilities

Buying run-down property is not possible with conventional mortgage funding. Refurbishment Finance can provide the means to buy and convert property for medical use.

Hospital construction financing can be done via Property Development Finance, which takes things further than Refurbishment Finance. This type of loan can provide funding to buy property for conversion or demolition and redevelopment. It is usually only available for experienced developers with a record of success on similar projects, but if your medical business has a professional property team, you may be able to secure funding on the same basis as commercial developers. Rangewell can help you tailor your application to suit lender expectations. 

Funding can range from single property projects to provide clinics and surgeries to major new hospital developments. Property development finance usually takes the form of a short-term loan and lenders may advance up to 70% of the gross development value.

Find out more about Property Development Finance.

Raise funds with a Commercial Mortgage on your hospital or clinic

If your organisation already owns property, a Commercial Mortgage can also be leveraged to help you access large-scale loans for hospitals and other forms of finance.

By remortgaging an existing property, your business can receive a cash lump sum comparable to its market value to use as you wish. So existing clinical premises could be used to raise funds to acquire other property or to provide equipment. You would simply make monthly mortgage repayments until the property becomes yours again.

Find out more about Commercial Mortgages.

Buy an existing medical facility

If you are looking at the costs of buying a clinic or small private hospital, you may be looking at requiring funding of several million pounds. At Rangewell, we are able to help you find lenders who can provide the level of funding that you need without impeding your business with expensive repayments. Commercial Mortgages, and Mezzanine Funding are examples of just two of the solutions available.

Due to the individual nature of most large-scale healthcare finance agreements, you should contact our team to discuss the options and see what we'd recommend. 

Medical equipment costs

The cost of medical equipment has always been high. With high-technology new equipment such as CT suites, MRI scanners and Linear Accelerator Machines (linacs) becoming essential in many clinical settings, your equipment budget faces rising demands. 

Most medical equipment costs can be covered by Asset Finance. Asset Finance is a blanket term for a variety of Hire Purchase and leasing arrangements, designed to let you spread the cost of equipment. They can provide attractive terms as lenders have their risks reduced by the security of the asset itself.

While the high cost of advanced medical technology makes asset finance an obvious choice for major devices, it can be equally suitable for the provision of routine items such as beds and gurneys.

Hire Purchase

Hire Purchase offers a straightforward way to spread the cost of providing your facilities with the equipment you need. You will need to put down a deposit, usually between 5%-25% of the total price, and repay the remainder, together with the interest, over an agreed period from 6 to 60 months.

You pay a fixed rate of interest and agreed monthly payments, making budgeting simple to align with your monthly turnover.

You may also have the option to structure your payments to fit your projected cash flow. You may be able to arrange smaller monthly repayments by agreeing to pay a final lump sum, known as a balloon payment, at the end of the loan period. This can help you reduce the costs if you are entering a period of planned growth, which you anticipate will provide you with a greater income in the future.

Equipment manufacturers and dealers will often offer HP arrangements during the sales process. These can look very attractive and can even include 0% options, but these deals often mask hidden costs. You may be able to save money by paying cash, and arranging finance with our help. See how we can help you beat 0% finance deals.

Hire Purchase may be most suitable for items intended for long-term use. Your beds, for example, should be able to provide problem-free service for years to come, and might be a cost-effective choice for HP.

Leasing – avoiding capital costs

With a lease, equipment is owned by the finance company. You hire it for the period of the agreement. It remains their property, avoiding any need for capital expenditure from you. Monthly payments are fixed for the duration of the contract, and you can pay for your equipment from the income it generates each month. You may also be able to choose a lease which makes maintenance and repair the responsibility of the finance company.

In the healthcare sector and specifically for hospitals, leasing may be a suitable choice for acquiring high-cost complex equipment. These items typically need to be replaced as technology improves, so leasing offers a more flexible arrangement that doesn't lock you into the purchase. For example, leasing MRI scanners is popular and helps hospitals avoid having to raise millions to purchase them outright. 

Operating your surgery, clinic or hospital

Your surgery, clinic or hospital will present a number of operating costs. Skilled staff will need salaries, subscriptions, professional fees and maintenance fees are ever-present and suppliers invoices will need to be settled even when these may be a temporary cash shortfall.

These problems aren't unique to medical companies and most lenders can offer some form of finance to help support your operating costs. Rangewell will help you understand the options available to you and guide you to the most beneficial choice. 

Working Capital Finance

Working Capital Finance is designed to boost the working capital available to a hospital. It's often used to provide cash to pay staff during the early weeks and months of opening a new medical facility. It is designed to be repaid in the short- to medium-term, once your healthcare business has achieved its target profitability.

Our finance experts can help solve your working capital needs.

Growth Finance

Large-scale finance can be vital if you have major plans to develop your medical business, such as acquiring a competitor or providing a new form of treatment. Growth Finance is a special type of funding designed to fund your growth plans and may be ideal for ambitious healthcare companies seeking hospital loans. 

Tax Loans for medical businesses

Large quarterly VAT bills or annual tax demands can cause problems with the cash flow of your medical business, particularly when that falls at the same time as other costs.

Tax Loans help you to spread the cost of your tax demands into affordable monthly payments, ensuring that your business does not have to go through cash flow difficulties because of a minor tax liability.

See how a Tax Loan can mean better control of cash flow with fixed monthly payments.

Why you need Rangewell to capitalise your medical business

At Rangewell, we can find the doctors finance you need, whether it is for a single piece of medical equipment, or a multi-million-pound loan to let you build a new hospital.

We know the lenders who can provide the most competitive funding to the sector.

As well as conventional loan products, we can help you find Alternative Funding, using new loan providers and innovative funding solutions.

Whether you have a straightforward, small-scale funding need, or require a complicated ‘Jigsaw’ funding plan made up of a combination of financial products, we can work with you to find the answers

Call us now to get our experts working for you and your medical business - from the finance to start a rehab centre to medical equipment financing and setting up a private medical practice.


  • Find the most competitive loan to let a partnership acquire an existing clinic

  • Arrange funding to equip an MRI suite

  • Source the most competitive funding for a full refurbishment of a radiography facility

  • Find the most competitive commercial mortgage for a private hospital

  • Help a partnership set up a fully fitted operating theatre for cosmetic body procedures

Last update: 9 December 2023

Need finance in a hurry?

Contact our team today to find out your options

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