
We’re experts in all types of business finance

We want to help you to stay up-to-date and share our knowledge on all aspects of business funding

MBO Financing Structure: Should You Defer?

MBO Financing Structure: Should You Defer?

The process behind an MBO relies on extensive negotiation between the selling owner and the buying team. Though an MBO i...

6 June 2024
Finance For Landlords Letting To Specialised Support Housing

Finance For Landlords Letting To Specialised Support Housing

Care providers require specific types of properties to operate from, which often means purchasing freeholds and converti...

4 June 2024
BTL Mortgages For Foreign Nationals With Limited Leave To Remain

BTL Mortgages For Foreign Nationals With Limited Leave To Remain

Buying residential property in the UK can offer lucrative returns – even if you’re unable to extend your visa and secu...

28 April 2024
How to Buy, Fund and Open a Pub

How to Buy, Fund and Open a Pub

The UK’s pub industry is a turbulent one, offering near-constant fluctuations in profitability and longevity. Desp...

27 July 2023
Reacquiring LPA Receiver Property For Sale With Finance

Reacquiring LPA Receiver Property For Sale With Finance

LPA receivers must sell seized assets and property in as efficient a time-frame as possible to recoup a creditor's c...

4 July 2023
How To Finance Nursery Group Expansions

How To Finance Nursery Group Expansions

With the government recently announcing new plans around funded care for pre-school children, many nursery owners are co...

28 June 2023

How To Open A Nursery Business

How To Open A Nursery Business

Starting a children's day nursery can be a great business opportunity, but it's one that requires the right rese...

27 June 2023
How To Buy A Nursery Business

How To Buy A Nursery Business

Starting a nursery from scratch can take years, requiring extensive planning, financing and regulatory compliance. Buyin...

26 June 2023
The Business Owner's Guide to Buy Now, Pay Later for Businesses

The Business Owner's Guide to Buy Now, Pay Later for Businesses

As a business owner, cashflow management andthe financial management of your company is the key to long term success....

21 June 2023
Finance To Fulfil NHS Tenders

Finance To Fulfil NHS Tenders

NHS contracts are often the gold standard for private clinics and healthcare contractors looking to win more work. The N...

19 June 2023
Accessing The NHS’ Increasing Capacity Framework

Accessing The NHS’ Increasing Capacity Framework

Private clinical businesses must rise to meet the NHS's ever-growing requirements for contracts awarded under the In...

9 June 2023
How to Fund a GP Practice

How to Fund a GP Practice

In this guide, we will cover the process of how GP practices are funded, how to establish a new medical practice, and th...

29 May 2023
How To Finance A Healthcare Business

How To Finance A Healthcare Business

The healthcare sector faces continual demands for better patient care and faster services, which in turn necessitate imp...

29 May 2023
Financing The Cost of Buying Into A GP Partnership

Financing The Cost of Buying Into A GP Partnership

Becoming a partner can be a lucrative step up in your medical career, but it carries its own considerations around costs...

23 May 2023

Discover our range of finances

Every type of finance for every type of business

Our goal is very simple - to help businesses find the right type of finance as quickly, transparently and painlessly as possible.

Buying Your Pub Freehold

Buying Your Pub Freehold

Should you raise finance to buy your pub's freehold? Is it worth the investment? How would you go about it? Find out...

23 April 2023
How to Buy a Veterinary Practice

How to Buy a Veterinary Practice

Whether you're attempting to purchase a competitor's business or just looking to buy an existing practice rather...

23 April 2023
How To Raise Nursery Furniture Finance

How To Raise Nursery Furniture Finance

Children's nurseries must be equipped to a high standard to meet certain requirements and parental expectations. Get...

20 April 2023
Refinance Your GP Practice Loan to Save Money

Refinance Your GP Practice Loan to Save Money

Many GPs in the UK have been locked into 20-year loans with restrictive terms that have prevented them from raising new...

22 March 2023
How To Buy Out a Director

How To Buy Out a Director

If you're looking to buy out a director in your business, or you're a director looking to be bought out, we'...

17 February 2023
The Best Lenders To Refinance Your Property Portfolio

The Best Lenders To Refinance Your Property Portfolio

Get to grips with the different types of property finance available to investors in the UK - and understand their criter...

27 January 2023
How to Buy Property For Holiday Lets

How to Buy Property For Holiday Lets

UK holidays are more popular than ever. Following the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, many British holidayma...

23 January 2023
A Guide To Buying and Financing Pharmacies with Short Leases

A Guide To Buying and Financing Pharmacies with Short Leases

Recent industry events have seen hundreds of UK pharmacies being sold off at attractive prices. Unfortunately, many of t...

16 January 2023
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